As i sit and write this post i see the future in this picture! My Gorgeous TWIN DAUGHTERS Lyric Marie Journey Cyrene! I see myself wanting to push them into the beauty industry. TURN IT UP A NOTCH! I was able to make a good living and raise my daughters, drive nice cars, live in nice homes, buy nice furniture and buy nice things......ALL at a COST! You HEAR ME!!!!!!! FINDING BALANCE was the hardest quest OF MY LIFE>>>>>> Its not easy being a mother period! let alone a young mother with no real stability but had a passion for hair and fashion add that to the College Park hustle and bustle that raised ME!
I was raised by a Survivor and i be damned if i'm not gonna show my girls the WAY! I know i know...what if they don't want to be in the beauty industry.....blah blah blah....the thing is its all the same! Business is BUSINESS! So my mission is to give the kids the game. And whatever they do with it hheeeyyyyyyyy i did my part! I believe in living your best life and doing things that make you happy! I look at this picture and see a future gymnast and future actress!
At least thats where we are with it now....at least they wont rely on a glam team and be out in public with .....i digress.....anyhoo this is only the beginning ladies! your mother is on a quest to find balance between the takeover and the much needed time off!! relaxation is very much needed and you guys need me more now than ever! cheers to us gals! being respectful to each other and always having each others back! ....How do you find balance?